Electromagnetic radiation, or electromagnetic fields (EMF), encompass many types of man-made energies:
Low Frequency Radiation: This type emanates from a building’s wiring and also from power lines. It includes AC (Alternating Current – 60 cycles per second in the US) electric fields AC magnetic fields, and Harmonics, commonly referred to as “dirty electricity.”
Learn MoreWe conduct EMF testing, phone consultations, and research. Through our EMF assessments, we test areas of homes and commercial spaces for EMF emissions from wired and wireless sources. This includes Radio Frequency Radiation (RF), Magnetic Fields, Electric Fields and Harmonics, commonly referred to as Dirty Electricity.
Learn MoreElizabeth Pond Reza is a Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC) and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS), certified through the Building Biology Institute.
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