860-586-8253 elizabeth@ecurrentliving.com PO Box 270317 West Hartford, CT 06127

We conduct EMF testing, phone consultations, and research.  Through our EMF assessments, we test areas of homes and commercial spaces for EMF emissions from wired and wireless sources.  This includes Radio Frequency Radiation (RF), Magnetic Fields, Electric Fields and Harmonics, commonly referred to as Dirty Electricity.  We also provide individualized recommendations to reduce exposure. A report with findings and recommendations will be emailed to you generally within 10 days of your assessment.

Clients range from health professionals to those just learning about EMF.  Services include:

EMF/RF Assessment

We assess high use areas within homes and commercial facilities.  This can include work spaces, sleeping areas, and children’s play and study areas.  In addition to assessing indoor sources of EMF, such as home wiring, household appliances, and wireless devices, depending upon the location of the room, areas of consideration may also include nearby power lines, cellphone towers, electrical substations, transformers, and smart meters.

Prepurchase Assessment

Designed for those considering rental or purchase of a home, Current Living provides valuable information about internal and external levels of EMF and RF found onsite.

Followup Assessment

You’ve implemented the changes that we recommended, and you want to find out if there is a measurable difference.  Or you want to dig a little deeper into an area that we discussed during your initial assessment.  Or it’s been a while since we were out and you want to know if things have changed in terms of emissions in your home.  These are some of the ways that a Followup Assessment can be helpful to you. 

Phone Consultations and Research

Have you just learned about EMF and RF and you don’t know where to start?  Heard about a product that you’d like us to research for you? Are you overseas with questions and no consultant available to come to your home?  These are just some of the reasons why people call us for a phone consultation or for research support.

Serving Connecticut, and New England, with phone consultations available within our service area and internationally.

Phone Consultation Options

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